Monday, October 23, 2017

A Few Days Without Social Media

So last week I deactivated my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Path. The deactivation period was varied. If not because I want to celebrate the achievement of numero uno person in my office I wouldn't have activated my Instagram.

So how's life without social media?
It's wonderful.
I came home to have dinner, shower and then sleep. Yes, I got perfect sleeping time. Waking up in the morning without checking social media and straightly go to the bathroom.
Life without distraction was peaceful.
I got my focus to do my task. Much more productive.

As an avid user of social media, you guys don't know how much it impacts me to just take a break for a few days.
Sadly, Twitter has a limit for deactivating period, it only gives you a month for a break. Deactive more than a month, and your account will be deleted.

There are some reasons why I still reluctant to delete my social media. As for FB, it doesn't do any harm for me as I rarely checking it. And for Path, only certain people are on friend list, then again they don't post annoying content. It's rather difficult for me to avoid Instagram, why because I love photography, I love cats, I love the creativity people share on that platform. I can just go to Pinterest or Tumblr but I don't like Tumblr, as for Pinterest I only specify for several topics.
The struggle is to avoid being tempted checking social media once the phone is within my reach.

So what am I goin to do next?
Well, I don't know. Maybe I keep my social media on, maybe I'll take a break a little longer, maybe I delete it permanently, or maybe I get better at control myself over social media. Maybe.

But one thing for sure, taking a break from social media is definitely.....liberating.
Are you game for this?

1 comment:

  1. masih kah? Hebat mau setahun, gw pernah dulu cm 6 bulan
